Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 17 No 3 (2013): 461 – 474





(Tindak balas Minerologi Lepas Tuai Terhadap Mangga (Mangifera Indica L.) Pada Tahap Bavistin DF Berbeza)


Md. K. Islam 1*, N.  Absar2, M. A. R. Sarkar5, M. Z. H. Khan4,  S. Yeasmin3 and K. A. Hakim1


1Dept. of Crop Science and Technology,

2Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,

5Dept of Geology and Mining,

University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 6205, Bangladesh

4Dept. of Chemical Engineering,

5Dept. of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology,

Jessore Science and Technology University, Jessore 7408, Bangladesh


*Corresponding author:




This study was carried out with the postharvest mangoes (viz., the Langra and the Khirshapat) treating with different levels of Bavistin DF solution (namely, 250, 500, and 750 PPM) for obtaining results on the mineral content changes as well as storability of postharvest mango. The results of the experiments exhibited that only the single effect of varieties was found to be significant in most of the parameters studied. The Langra enriched a greater quantity of magnesium, iron and manganese constituents over the Khirshapat. On the other hand, Khirshapat enriched higher quantities of calcium, copper and zinc content at all the storage duration. Different postharvest treatments subjected to the investigation demonstrated significant variation in most of the mineralogical properties of mango at different days of storage. The result explored that calcium, magnesium, iron, and manganese contents were rapidly increased. On the other hand copper and zinc content drastically decreased from untreated mangoes.


Keywords: mango; postharvest treatment; Bavistin DF; mineral content.



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