Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 22 No 1 (2018): 35 - 44







(Ciri-Ciri Fizikokimia dan Sensori Snek Rozel-Nenas yang Dioptimumkan)


Noorlaila Ahmad*, Siti Nadiah Shafi’i, Nor Hasanah Hassan, Asmeda Rajab, Azizah Othman


Faculty of Applied Sciences,

Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 4 September 2017; Accepted: 11 January 2018




Roselle-pineapple leathers added with maltodextrin and hydrocolloids (locust bean gum and xanthan gum) were formulated to develop a new healthy-functional snack. The optimisation was carried out by the response surface methodology using a 5-level central composite rotatable design. The optimised fruit leather (pH= 3.2, TSS= 75°Brix) were dehydrated and subjected to physicochemical and antioxidant analyses as well as sensorial evaluation. The combination of 0.2% xanthan gum – 0.2% locust bean gum – 1.0% maltodextrin significantly maintained the fruit leather's colour and increased its extensibility. However, it significantly had lower (p < 0.05) total phenolic, total flavonoid, ferric reducing ability of plasma and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical-scavenging activity of the optimised fruit leather as compared to the control sample. Untrained panellists have assessed the sensory acceptability of the formulated snack food. They preferred the optimised roselle-pineapple leather added with maltodextrin and hydrocolloids as compared to the control roselle-pineapple leather.


Keywords:  roselle-pineapple leather, antioxidant, hydrocolloid, extensibility, sensorial properties



Snek rozel-nenas yang ditambah maltodekstrin dan hidrokoloid (gam kacang lokus dan gam xantan) di formulasi untuk menghasilkan snek baru yang berkhasiat. Proses pengoptimuman dijalankan menggunakan kaedah gerak balas permukaan. Snek buah-buahan yang terhasil (pH= 3.2, jumlah pepejal larut= 75°Brix) dinyahhidrasi dan analisis fizikokimia, antioksida dan ciri-ciri sensori telah dijalankan. Kombinasi 0.2% gam xantan – 0.2% gam kacang lokus – 1.0% maltodekstrin mempunyai kesan signifikan terhadap warna snek rozel-nenas dan ekstensibilitinya berjaya ditingkatkan. Walau bagaimanapun, ia mempunyai kandungan fenolik, flavonoid, keupayaan penurunan ferik dan aktiviti pemerangkapan radikal bebas 2, 2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil yang rendah (p < 0.05) berbanding snek kawalan. Panel tidak terlatih telah membuat penilaian sensori ke atas snek yang di formulasi. Panel sensori lebih menggemari snek rozel-nenas yang ditambahkan maltodekstrin dan hidrokoloid berbanding snek kawalan.


Kata kunci:  snek rozel-nenas, antioksida, hidrokoloid, ekstensibiliti, ciri-ciri sensori



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